Guangdong Province, Invitation, Evaluation and Determination of Tenders for Works in Building Construction Projects and Public Infrastructure Projects Measures (Trial Implementation)
广东省房屋建筑工程和市政基础设施工程施工招标评标定标办法 (试行)
June 02, 2002 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesProcedures for evaluating tenders for construction projects in Guangdong.
Promulgated: April 19 2002
Effective: May 1 2002
Applicability: These Measures apply to the evaluation and determination of the tenders for works in building construction projects, decoration and fitting out projects and public infrastructure construction projects in Guangdong Province (Article 2).
Main contents: The Measures provide that invitation, evaluation and determination of tenders for works Measures prepared pursuant to these Measures are a mandatory part of the tender invitation document (Article 3). Generally, tenders shall be evaluated using the reasonable-lower-price method, the average-price method, the dual-staged method, the A+B value method or other methods permitted by laws and regulations, as selected by the tender inviting party and approved by the administrative department in charge of construction or its authorized entity (Article 5). Details of each of these methods are attached to the Measures. If a scoring approach is adopted for tender evaluation, the scores must be made and signed off by the tender evaluation committee members individually, and their mathematical mean after the highest and the lowest ones are counted out shall be used (Article 8). The tender evaluation report shall rank the candidate winners (Article 10). In a project using State funds or financed by the State, the tender inviting party shall select the candidate winner on the first rank as the winner (Article 11).
Related legislation: PRC, Invitation and Submission of Bids Law, Aug 30 1999, CLP 1999 No.8 p34; Guangdong Province, Administration of Invitation for and Submission of Tenders for Construction Projects Regulations (Revised), Nov 1 1999, CLP 1999; Ministry of Construction, Administration of Invitation and Submission of Tenders for Building Construction Projects and Public Infrastructure Projects Measures, Jun 1 2001, CLP 2001 No.6 p7 and Bid Evaluation Committees and Methods Tentative Provisions, Jul 5 2001, CLP 2001 No.9 p33
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