State Council, Housing Funds Management Regulations (Revised)
国务院住房公积金管理条例 (修订)
May 02, 2002 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesComposition of housing fund management committee and restriction of balance withdrawal unless emigration.
Clp Reference: 2410/02.03.24 Promulgated: 2002-03-24 Effective: 2002-03-24
Promulgated: March 24 2002
Effective: as of date of promulgation
Main contents: Article 8 of the Regulations has been amended to state clearly that a housing funds management committee shall consist of one-third each of representatives from the government, employees and employers. Item Four of Article 24 has also been amended and no longer allows the employees to withdraw the balance in their housing funds account when they move to another city or county. They can only withdraw the balance when they migrate to another country.
clp reference:2410/02.03.24
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