Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Administration of Import and Export Business Qualifications Relevant Provisions
March 31, 2002 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesExperience and capital requirement for applying import and export business qualifications.
Issued: July 10 2001
Effective: as of date of issue
Applicability: The Provisions do not apply to foreign investment enterprises nor enterprises in the Pudong New Area (Item 10).
Main contents: There are two types of import and export business qualifications. The first being foreign trade circulation business right that involves the import and export of commodities and technology. The second being import and export right for their own account that involves export of an enterprise's own products and import of equipment and raw materials used by the enterprise (Item Two). Enterprises applying for foreign trade circulation business right must have been established for at least one year and have registered capital of at least Rmb5 million. On the other hand enterprises applying for import and export right for their own account are just required to have enterprise legal person status and registered capital of at least Rmb3 million (Item Three). Import and export companies established by manufacturing enterprises that have already obtained import and export business right will be viewed as having obtained foreign trade circulation right (Item 11).
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