Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Invitation for Tenders for Export Quotas Measures
February 28, 2002 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesThe administrative rules for tendering process of export quotas.
Promulgated: December 20 2001
Effective: January 1 2002
Interpreting authority: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC)
Applicability: The Measures apply to commodities the export of which shall be subject to tendering (Article 5).
Main contents: According to the Measures, MOFTEC may implement a tendering process in respect of certain commodities that are subject to export quotas (Article 2). Such commodities include non-renewable resources, products for which China has a leading position in the international market and whose price fluctuations have a relatively small impact on export quantities and products whose supply exceeds demand and that tend to attract foreign anti-dumping claims (Article 6). Tendering of such exports shall be conducted by a committee for tendering of export commodity quotas (Article 7). The organizational structure and the functions of the committee are prescribed in the Measures (Part Two). Enterprises that have import and export business qualifications, are members in relevant chambers of importers and exporters (or, for foreign investment enterprises, in the China Foreign Investment Enterprises Association) and have certain amounts of import or export business may participate in the tender process (Article 11). Successful tenderers will receive the documents for obtaining export licences after payment of tender bonds and tender fees (Articles 24 and 26). Unused quotas shall be returned or transferred pursuant to the prescribed Measures (Article 27).
Related legislation: PRC, Foreign Trade Law (Revised), Apr 6 2004, CLP 2004 No.4 p34 and PRC, Administration of Import and Export of Commodities Regulations
Repealed legislation: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Invitation for Tenders for Export Quotas Measures, Jan 2 1999 and Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Invitations for Tenders for Export Quotas Measures Implementing Rules, Jan 2 1999
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