General Office of People's Bank of China, Questions Relevant to the Handling of the Letter of Credit and Letter of Guarantee Business by Foreign-funded Banks Circular


February 28, 2002 | BY

clpstaff &clp articles

Restrictions on the advance purchase of foreign exchange and on accepting renminbi payments when issuing letter of credit or letter of guarantee.

Clp Reference: 3520/01.12.20 Promulgated: 2001-12-20

Issued: December 20 2001

Main contents: The Circular states that the prohibition on advance purchase of foreign exchange for letter of guarantee and stand-by letter of credit purposes continues to be valid (Item One). The Circular, however, permits purchase of foreign exchange for settlement of imports with a letter of credit (Item Two). Item Three of the Circular prohibits foreign-funded banks not allowed to engage in Renminbi business from taking Renminbi deposits from customers for issuing of letters of credit or letters of guarantee.

clp reference:3520/01.12.20

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