Beijing Municipality, Supervision of Construction Project Planning Several Provisions
February 28, 2002 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesProcedures regarding planning before, during and after construction projects in Beijing.
Promulgated: October 9 2001
Effective: January 1 2002
Applicability: The Provisions also apply to construction projects not completed at the time the Provisions become effective (Article 16).
Main contents: According to the Provisions, when the planning authority issues a planning permit to a construction project owner, it shall also issue to the owner the application forms for inspection of the construction project lines and project planning acceptance. Construction may not commence until the construction project lines are found to meet standards (Article 4). During construction, the planning authority shall inspect the project (Article 6). Upon completion of construction, the project owner shall apply to the planning authority for planning acceptance (Article 7). Planning acceptance shall determine whether the project is consistent with the planning permit (Article 8). If the project does not pass the planning acceptance, the property registrar will refuse to register the title thereto (Article 9). A construction project owner who has maintained good compliance record may be permitted to carry out the planning acceptance by itself (Article 10).
Related legislation: Beijing Municipality, Urban Overall Planning and Beijing Municipality, Urban Planning Regulations
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