Administration of Registration of Technology Import and Export Contracts Procedures


(Promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on December 30 2001, and effective as of, January 1 2002.)Article 1: These Procedures…

Clp Reference: 2220/2001.12.30 Promulgated: 2001-12-30 Effective: 2002-01-01

(Promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on December 30 2001, and effective as of, January 1 2002.)

Article 1: These Procedures are formulated in accordance with the PRC Administration of Technology Import and Export Regulations in order to standardize the administration of technology contracts for free import and export, to establish a system for the administration of information on the import and export of technology, and to promote the development of China's import and export of technology.

Technology import contracts entered into as capital investment to, and acting as an attachment to the articles of association of, a Sino-foreign equity joint venture, Sino-foreign cooperative joint venture or wholly foreign-owned enterprise at the time of establishment shall be subject to the procedures set out in laws relating to foreign investment enterprises.

Article 2: Technology import and export contracts shall include patent right assignment contracts, patent application right assignment contracts, patent licensing contracts, know-how licensing contracts, technical services contracts, and other contracts containing provisions regarding the import or export of technology.

Article 3: Free import and export technology contracts shall be registered on the internet. The department in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation shall be the administrative department for registration of technology import and export contracts.

Free import and export technology contracts shall be effective as of the date on which they are legally established.

Article 4: The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) shall be responsible for administering registration of technology import contracts for major projects.

Major projects shall refer to:

(1) projects financed with State funds within the budget, loans from foreign governments, and/or loans from international financial organizations; and

(2) projects approved by the State Council.

Upon effectiveness of the contract, a technology importer shall register on the China International Electronic Commerce Network (website: and submit the application for the registration of technology import contract, a copy of the technology import contract and documents evidencing the legal status of contracting parties to MOFTEC for registration. MOFTEC shall verify the details of the contract registration within three working days of the date of receipt of the above documents and shall issue to the importer a Technology Import Contract Registration Licence.

Article 5: The commission (office, bureau) in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation of each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government and municipality with independent development plans (Local Department in charge of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation) shall be responsible for the administration of registration of free import and export technology contracts except for that of major projects. Free import and export technology contracts of centrally-managed enterprises shall be registered according to their locations with the Local Department in charge of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.

The commission (office, bureau) in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation of each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government and municipality with independent development plans may delegate administration of registration of free import and export technology contracts to the department in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation at the next lower level.

Upon effectiveness of the contract, the technology importer or exporter shall register on the China International Electronic Commerce Network and submit the application for the registration of technology import or export contract, a copy of the contract and documents evidencing the legal status of contracting parties to the Local Department in charge of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation or to an authorized body for registration. The Local Department in charge of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation or the authorized body shall within three working days of the date of receipt of the above documents verify the details of the contract registration and shall issue to the importer or exporter a Technology Import Contract Registration Certificate or a Technology Export Contract Registration Certificate.

Article 6: If the application documents are not in accord with Articles 18 and 40 of the PRC Administration of Technology Import and Export Regulations or the records are not in accord with the contract, the department in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation shall, within three working days of the date of receipt of the application, notify the importer or exporter to supplement and correct the documents or amend the records. It shall, within three working days of the date of receipt of the supplemented and corrected application or amended registration record, verify the details of the contract registration and issue a Technology Import Contract Registration Certificate or a Technology Export Contract Registration Certificate.

Article 7: The main contents of free technology import or export contract registration shall include:

(1) the contract number;

(2) the contract title;

(3) the technology supplier;

(4) the technology receiver;

(5) the technology user;

(6) the summary of the contract;

(7) the value of the contract;

(8) the method of payment;

(9) the method of settlement; and

(10) the type of credit.

Article 8: The State shall implement standardized codification of free import and export technology contract numbers. The numbering of technology import and export contracts shall comply with the following rules:

(1) the contract number shall be 17 characters in total; and

(2) the first nine characters shall be fixed: the first two being the (last two) digits of the year of formulation of the contract, the third and fourth being the (two letter) code for the importing or exporting country, the fifth and sixth being the (two letter) code for the region in which the importing or exporting enterprise is located, the seventh being the status of the contract (import = Y, export = E), and the eighth and ninth being the (two digit) code for the importing or exporting industry. The last eight characters shall be decided by the enterprise itself. For example: 01USBJE01CNTIC001.

Article 9: The technology importer or exporter shall re-register when amending the contents of an already registered free technology import or export contract as specified in Article 7 hereof.

Article 10: If implementation of a registered free technology import or export contract is for some reasons suspended or terminated, the technology importer or exporter shall in a timely manner submit the technology import or export contract registration certificate and other documentation to the department in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation for record filing.

Article 11:
clp reference:2220/2001.12.30


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