Beijing Municipality, Protection of Olympic Intellectual Property Rights Provisions


Protects the licensing and use of Olympic marks, symbols, mascots, broadcast rights and other intellectual property.

(Promulgated on October 11 2001 and effective as of November 1 2001.)


Article 1: These Provisions were formulated for the purposes of strengthening the protection of Olympic intellectual property rights, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the Olympic proprietors and related rights proprietors, and ensuring and promoting the sustained and healthy development of the Olympic Games.

第一条  为加强对奥林匹克知识产权的保护,维护奥林匹克知识产权人和相关权利人的合法权益,保障和促进奥林匹克运动的持续、健康发展,制定本规定。

Article 2: The Olympic intellectual property rights mentioned in these Provisions refer to the proprietary rights of the Olympic intellectual property rights proprietors over any trademarks, special symbols, patents, works and other creations related to the Olympics as stipulated in the Olympic Charter and any agreements concluded by the Beijing Municipal People's Government and the Chinese Olympic Committee (hereafter, the COC) with the International Olympic Committee (hereafter, the IOC).

第二条  本规定所称奥林匹克知识产权是指奥林匹克知识产权人对奥林匹克宪章以及北京市人民政府和中国奥林匹克委员会(以下简称中国奥委会)同国际奥林匹克委员会(以下简称国际奥委会)达成的协议中规定的与奥林匹克有关的商标、特殊标志、专利、作品和其它创作成果所享有的专有权利。

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