Ministry of Construction, Administration of the Qualifications of Project Supervision Enterprises Provisions
October 31, 2001 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesPromulgated: August 29 2001Effective: as of date of promulgationInterpreting Authority: State Council department in charge of constructionApplicability:…
Promulgated: August 29 2001
Effective: as of date of promulgation
Interpreting Authority: State Council department in charge of construction
Applicability: The Provisions shall apply to the application for and the administration of the qualifications of project supervision enterprises in the PRC (Article 2).
Main contents: According to the Provisions, the State Council department in charge of construction has general responsibility for the administration of the qualifications of project supervision enterprises and, where the qualifications of project supervision enterprises are related to certain specific industries, such as railways, communications, water resources, information industry and civil aviation, the administrative departments in charge of these industries shall be consulted (Article 4). Qualifications of project supervision enterprises are classified into Grade A, Grade B and Grade C qualifications in addition to classification by project nature and technical characteristics (Article 5). Preliminary examination of Grade A qualifications shall be carried out by a provincial level administrative department in charge of construction and final examination and approval by the State Council department in charge of construction (Article 11). Approval of Grade A qualifications shall be conducted on a consolidated basis once each year (Article 13). Grade B and Grade C qualifications are examined and approved by provincial level administrative departments in charge of construction on a year-round basis (Articles 12 and 13). Newly established project supervision enterprises shall be given the lowest qualifications grade (Article 14). They may apply for a higher grade if they have not engaged in malpractice, a list of which is provided in the Provisions (Articles 16 and 17). Qualifications of project supervision enterprises are subject to annual review by the approval authority (Article 21).
Related legislation: PRC, Construction Law, Nov 1 1997, CLP 1998 No.1 p6 and Administration of the Quality of Construction Works Regulations, Jan 30 2000, CLP 2000 No.2 p5
Repealed legislation: Ministry of Construction, Administration of the Qualifications of Project Construction Supervising Units Trial Implementation Procedures, 1992
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