Further Improving the Screening and Rectification of Non-experimental Foreign-funded Commercial Enterprises Circular


(Issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the State Administration for Industry and…

(Issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on 6 August 2001.)


Economic and trade commissions (Economic Commissions), foreign trade and economic cooperation commissions (Departments, Bureaux and Foreign Investment Work Committees), and administrations for industry and commerce of various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and cities with independent development plans and relevant local commissions of commerce (Industry Offices):


On 1 July 1998, the General Office of the State Council issued the Status Concerning the Screening and Rectification of Non-experimental Foreign-funded Commercial Enterprises Circular ([Guo Ban Fa [1998] No. 98, hereafter Document No. 98), which made separate decisions on the handling of non-experimental foreign-funded commercial enterprises approved by local government departments beyond their authority by way of approving or rectifying such enterprises or cancelling or revoking their business licences. However, up to now Document No. 98 has not been implemented in earnest in several areas, and some local governments are still approving the establishment of foreign-funded commercial enterprises and their branches beyond their authority. As of this day, various local authorities have approved the establishment of 316 non-experimental foreign-funded commercial enterprises, among which 65 have been converted into domestic enterprises, ceased commercial operations or have had their business licences cancelled (revoked), but 251 are still in operation. To uphold the uniformity and seriousness of the policy of our country governing the utilization of foreign capital in the commercial sector on an experimental basis and ensure a healthy and orderly process of utilizing foreign capital in our commercial sector, with the approval of the State Council, this Circular on matters relating to further screening and rectification is hereby given as follows:


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