Beijing Municipality Administration of Trial Opening up of Broadband Customer Premises Networks in Beijing Area Measures
September 02, 2001 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesIssued: July 10 2001Effective: as of date of issueInterpreting authority: Beijing Telecommunications AdministrationApplicability: For the purposes of the…
Issued: July 10 2001
Effective: as of date of issue
Interpreting authority: Beijing Telecommunications Administration
Applicability: For the purposes of the Measures, customer premises means a site in which one or more adjacent commercial and/or residential customers are located, and a Customer Premises Network (CPN) is a network that interconnects the central business point in the CPN site with all customer terminals (Article 2).
Main contents: According to the Measures, a company that obtains profits through the leasing of a CPN or certain elements of a CPN to telecommunications carriers is a CPN operator (Article 3). During the trial period, a CPN operator is required to obtain the approval of Beijing Telecommunications Administration (BTA) or file with BTA for the record if it has already been approved by the Ministry of Information Industry to operate an internationally connected computer network; and the construction and operation of a CPN shall be subject to the supervision and regulation of BTA (Article 4). A CPN operator approved by BTA pursuant to the Measures may lease CPNs or elements of CPN within the specified site and is not allowed to interconnect the CPNs of different physical sites (Article 21). In addition, the CPN operator is prohibited from providing basic voice telecommunications services through CPNs, from restricting the choice of other telecommunications services by its customers or engaging in unfair competition against its competitors (Article 24).
Related legislation: PRC, Telecommunications Regulations, Sep 25 2000, CLP 2000 No.9 p28; Work Associated with the Pilot Project on Opening up the Market for the Operation of Customer Premises Networks Circular, 2001; Beijing Municipality, Administration of the Construction of Telecommunications Facilities in Residential Districts and Residential Buildings Provisions; Beijing Municipality, Design of and Technology for Telecommunications Facilities in Residential Districts and Residential Buildings Provisions and Administration of the Quality of Construction Works Regulations, Jan 30 2000, CLP 2000 No.2 p5
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