Ministry of Railway, Survey and Design Consulting for Railway Construction Projects Tentative Measures


May 02, 2001 | BY

clpstaff &clp articles

Promulgated: March 10 2001Effective: as of date of promulgationInterpreting authority: Department of Construction Management, Ministry of RailwayApplicability:…

Clp Reference: 4400/01.03.10 Promulgated: 2001-03-10 Effective: 2001-03-10

Promulgated: March 10 2001
Effective: as of date of promulgation
Interpreting authority: Department of Construction Management, Ministry of Railway
Applicability: The Measures apply to survey and design consulting for large and medium sized railway construction projects during the preliminary feasibility study stage, feasibility study stage, preliminary design stage and construction documents stage (Article 3).

Main contents: The Measures specify the focus of survey and design consulting in relation to each applicable stage of a railway construction project, namely, the preliminary feasibility study stage, feasibility study stage, preliminary design stage and construction documents stage (Article 5). An entity providing such consulting shall have Class A railway survey and design qualifications or Class A railway engineering consulting qualifications (Article 6). When the consulting entity is commissioned to provide a survey and design consulting opinion, a survey and design consulting contract shall be concluded between the entity and the commissioning party (Article 7). The consulting work shall not be subcontracted in whole to a third party, nor shall it be subcontracted in part to a third party unless otherwise provided in the contract (Article 9).

clp reference:4400/01.03.10

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