Ministry of Construction, Classification of Project Survey Qualifications Standards and Classification of Project Design Qualifications Standards Compilation Explanation
March 31, 2001 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesIssued: January 20 2001Main contents: The Explanation states that work units that have Class A qualifications in any two categories of project survey qualifications…
Issued: January 20 2001
Main contents: The Explanation states that work units that have Class A qualifications in any two categories of project survey qualifications are eligible to apply for comprehensive project survey qualifications (Item Three). Project survey and design work units that undertake project surveys should obtain a project survey qualification certificate (Item Five). If a project design work unit can satisfy the guiding process or major professional skill requirements of one third or more of all the project design categories in a particular industry while at the same time satisfying the specialized civil construction and infrastructure or ancillary skill requirements of the same industry, it may apply for a design qualification certificate for the said industry. Otherwise the project design work unit can only apply for a project design qualification certificate for restricted categories in the said industry (Item Eight).
Related legislation: State Council, Administration of Construction Survey and Design Regulations, Sep 25 2000, CLP 2000 No.9 p5 and Administration of the Qualifications of Construction Project Survey and Design Work Units Provisions
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