Settlement of Domain Name Disputes Procedural Rules (Trial Implementation)


PART ONE: GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONSArticle 1: These Procedural Rules are formulated in accordance with the Resolution of Disputes Concerning Chinese-language…


第一章 总则与定义

Article 1: These Procedural Rules are formulated in accordance with the Resolution of Disputes Concerning Chinese-language Domain Names Procedures (Trial Implementation) (the Resolution Procedures), in order to ensure the fair, convenient and expeditious settlement of domain name disputes.

第一条  为了保证域名争议解决程序的公正性、方便性及快捷性,根据《中文域名争议解决办法》(试行)(以下简称解决办法)的规定,制定本程序规则。

Article 2: For the purposes of these Rules (the Procedural Rules):

第二条  本规则(以下简称程序规则)中涉及的下列术语的含义是:

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