Beijing Municipality, Administration of the Market for Human Resources Information Networks Tentative Measures
January 31, 2001 | BY
clpstaff &clp articlesIssued: December 5 2000Effective: as of date of issueApplicability: The Procedures are applicable to the provision of intermediary services in human…
Issued: December 5 2000
Effective: as of date of issue
Applicability: The Procedures are applicable to the provision of intermediary services in human resources and other personnel affairs to online users through public computer networks (Article 2).
Interpreting authority: Beijing Personnel Affairs Bureau, Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce and Beijing Office for the Creation of an Information Society
Main contents: According to the Measures, to provide human resources intermediary services online, an entity that has obtained a Beijing Municipality Human Resources Market Intermediary Service Licence shall register with the municipal human resources market regulatory authority and obtain a Beijing Municipality Human Resources Information Network Market Service Registration Certificate (Article 5). A duly registered human resources intermediary service provider shall publish the code number, record-filing mark and other particulars of its Registration Certificate on the electronic record-filing bulletin of the industry and commerce administration (Article 9). A registered provider may collect and publish human resources market information, provide human resources consultation, recruitment and employment services, and provide training services (Article 8). The municipal government encourages human resources intermediary service providers to attract and utilize foreign venture capital to develop Beijing's human resources information network market (Article 11).
Related legislation: Beijing Municipality, Administration of the Skilled Personnel Market Regulations, Oct 16 1997, CLP 1998 No.1 p18 and Beijing Municipality, Administration of Record-filing of Business-related Websites Tentative Measures, Aug 15 2000, CLP 2000 No.9 p64
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